Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 20454
Annual Return Start: 03 Jun 2015
Annual Return End: 02 Jun 2016
Date Received: 29 Jul 2016
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
06.1 Soil & water management works not completed prior to commencement of earthworks. Erosion controls damaged by sub-contractors. Incident reports raised for these events. Installation of appropriate controls completed by July. N/A 3
L4.1 (b) Asphalting works at Samantha Riley T-way commuter car park continued past standard hours. Do not commence the work if the margin of 'error" is too tight. Future works to be quantified more accurately. N/A 1
L4.6 (d) Concrete works proceeded past approved hours. Safety issues related to completion of welding works delayed start of concrete pour. Measures to prevent re-occurrence identified in case of unforseen circumstances. N/A 1
L4.2 (c) Emergency Work past approved hours during demolition not reported to EPA in the required time frame. When event reported to Environmental Team, report was submitted. Incident reporting communicated via site toolbox. N/A 1
O3.1 Residents contacted Community team with concerns about dust generation. Construction activities caused dust to travel across to residential property. Water cart to be stationed on site on windy days. N/A 2
L2.5 Sucker truck emptied water onto hardstand Car Park which entered stormwater system. Investigation revealed an operator instructed to undertake activity by new supervisor. Refresher training for subcontractors. N/A 1
P1.5 Sediment basin 12 decommissioned without prior notice to EPA due to lack of planning. Sediment basin register updates & sent to EPA. Supervisors toolboxed & provided an Environmental Alert in relation to requirement. N/A 1
R4.1 Community complaint did not notify EPA in required time frame as new community relations personnel were not aware of the 2pm reporting deadline. Community Team provided with EPA reporting requirements. N/A 1
L2 Water cart released water containing sediment onto hardstand which flowed onto road & offsite to vegetated paddock due to operator not following established process. Operator immediately dismissed from Project. N/A 1
L4.5 Hilti hammer drill used during out of hours works was not approved during out of hours caused by pressure to meet the program. Written warning issued to worker/supervisor. Toolbox delivered to individuals. N/A 1
E1.3 Concrete barriers placed during nightshift without 5 days Notice. Caused by pressure to meet program. Staff reminded about compliance requirement. Need to provide notice of out of works to affected community. N/A 1
L4.6 (i) (ii) Steel works for segment over Pier 112 over Easter Break public Holidays, due to pressure to meet program. Toolbox delivered to individuals & staff that EPL & SSI-5100 does not permit working on public holidays. N/A 1
L4.6 (i) (i) Rattle gun used to dismantle formwork at 1.40am. Equipment not assessed in CNVIS covering activity. Cause unknown. Email sent to senior construction personnel reminding that rattle guns/hammers used in daytime hours. N/A 1